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Omar's ThoughtsOn one warm summer day I sat down on a park bench. As I slowly looked up I noticed two small children playing with a shiny new toy fire engine. As I watched these innocent children play I thought back to my childhood, the laughter, the joy, the pure exhilaration I had for life. I really missed those carefree days, when life was new and the future was bright. There were no worries about bills, relationships, or jobs. The only need was to have fun and be happy.....and it was at that moment the larger of the two children began to kick the living shit out of the smaller one and walk off with that kid's new toy fire engine.. and I couldn't help but smile....
One day I was taking care of my little nephew, Bobby. Little Bobby was leaving the next day to Disneyland, in fact his parents were purchasing tickets at this very moment. Bobby loved Disney, but most of all he loved Mickey. His only wish in life was to see Mickey and tomorrow he would fulfill his life long dream. As I approached him, he was wearing his large mouse ears and an even bigger smile, he looked at me and asked," What's ta matter uncle?" I looked at his I love Mickey button, then at his smiling face, and then I gently handed him the lifeless body of a dead mouse and said," Mickey is dead. "
One warm summer day I sat on my porch, overlooking my yard. Soon my wondering eye caught glimpse of a large group of army ants slowly cannibalizing a group of helpless newborn butterflies. And as they continued to slowly dismember the poor defenseless creatures I thought to myself.....Boy they're fucked! and leaned back on my chair.
As I picked up the morning paper and began to read, I thought to myself... countless people die everyday at the hands of another human being, people die horrible painful deaths, or slowly starve and vanish into nothingness. People are preyed upon by cold-blooded serial killers, who may go as far as to cannibalize or perform unspeakable acts on the remains, and I stopped to think to myself ..... Hey ! my eggs are done.
As the sun set slowly into the awaiting bosom of the earth and the final rays of the day gently kissed off the face of the earth, I thought to myself about life, its pitfalls and valleys, its trials and tribulations, and myriad of ever growing complexities. I thought about each person's ultimate fate and about the love each person someday hopes to find in a seemingly uncaring world. It was at this moment that I pondered: Where were the three blind mice going? ....and a chill raced down my spine...
One night I was driving down a lonely desolate stretch of wooded road. All of a sudden a small baby rabbit raced out in front of my car. Its terrified eyes stared at me, fearful for its very survival. Its mouth was locked into a howling scream, pleading to the cold merciless steel of my car to stop, or possibly give way so that it might live to be the wiser. And yet, it seemed almost to have accepted its inevitable fate in the space of that second, and as my tires skidded over the helpless baby rabbit, my heart screamed out in agony, " Shit ! I just washed this dam car! "
Have you ever had a dream where you walk into a room full of people, buck naked, and while they attempt to comprehend the size of it, you whip it around and piss all over the place...Well I guess its just me then.
One day I walked along the beach. As I did I admired the beauty of nature in its purest form. It was still quite early and I was therefore all alone on the beach. The sun was rising, shedding light on all of God's creations. I noticed the beauty of the gentle waves rolling in from the ocean and the soft glare of the sun's light as it gently kissed the face of the seemingly newborn earth. I then noticed a lone jellyfish, stranded on the beach. I felt a twinge of pity for this helpless creature and wondered what I should do. I paused to think. I then walked up to it and then jumped up and stomp my feet into the jellyfish with all my might. As I felt the cool ooze the constituted the jellyfish gosh over my feet and laughed out loud like a loon I thought, " Some people pay for shit like this!"
One cold winter day I walked through my yard. As I glanced down I noticed a small delicate newborn bird. It shook, trembling from the cold. I thought to myself how helpless this small bird was. You could sense the loneliness this small helpless bird felt as it lay on the cold hard frozen ground. The sadness in its eyes seemed to almost beg for me to help it in its terrible predicament. I thought to myself, here I am, humbly on my way to purchase cat food for my cat and of a sudden, I happen to stumble upon a life and death situation. A chance, perhaps in some small way, to find my small niche in the large scheme of things we call life. I was thankful for this wonderful opportunity as I cried out," Here whiskers, dinner is served!". And as my cat turned the corner and make his way toward me I couldn't help but feel that I had made a difference....
Sometimes I'll sit looking out my window, which overlooks the main street servicing the downtown area. As the rush hour traffic begins to build up, I go and get my sister's dolls and cover them in ketchup. Then as a speeding car drives up I hurl the doll out of my third story window and scream," Oh God! My baby!" The doll drops like a rock and strikes the car shattering the windshield and splattering the doll everywhere. As the horrified driver runs out and screams for help I can't help but sit back and smile....
Sometimes I like to sit and watch cows as they graze in the wide open pastures that surround my house. As they gather into their groups and turn toward me I can't help but think to myself..." Are they talking about me?" And as I take another bite of my double meat cheese burger I can't help but wonder...
I think if you pay $5.00 to see a movie and it sucks, they should let you stay for the next showing. That way you could yell the ending of the movie out loud to everyone else who paid to see it. I think that the look on their faces would be worth the $5.00 you paid.....
If I could come back as any animal I choose I think I would come back as an eagle. I could then fly through the air and overlook all of God's creation, and perhaps feel the peace I longed for so badly as a human. I would be free from all the burdens and worries that seem to make life seem worth less than it truly is.... then again the fact that I could shit on people I hated while I was alive and look down the shirts of large breasted women wouldn't be bad either...
I can't wait to get older and pass on my accumulated knowledge and experience to the younger generation, in hopes they can learn from my mistakes and make this world a better place. Well then again, wearing butt-ugly polyester pants, pinching younger girl's asses, and generally being a dirty old bastard won't be too bad either...
I think it would be funny to get a bunch of friends and walk down a street at night looking for a blind man. When we found an old blind man I would begin to scream, " Oh my God here he comes !! All the blood... please don't shoot !! Run! Run for your life !!" and then have everyone run past him, screaming as they went. I think to turn back and see the look on his face would be pretty funny....
© O. Leal