- a string of battery operated Christmas lights
- a huge dead spider in a pickle jar
- some feathers I bought at a 'new age' show that remind me of Vurt
- some pens, black ink only
- a pack of Poppy seeds for a garden I haven't planted yet
- a coat hanger that just 'looks neat' but I'm not sure what I'll do
with it
- a tape from a friend's band (Atom Eve Eclipse)
- various notebooks
- two pennies I found 'glued' together and I can't break them apart
- a hairbrush
- a huge coffee cup like they have on 'Friends' with a few grapefruit flavored
cough drops in it
- Dubble Bubble<tm> bubble gum
- $1 sunglasses, wayfarer knock-offs that I don't mind forgetting somewhere
- candles I used when we lost electricity for three days, one is pink,
the other peach, they are supposed to be scented, but I couldn't tell
- MS-DOS User's manual I never use
- some copies of my humor book
- a picture of me around 2 years old, with some great uncle
- a baby aspirin bottle I chewed the lid off as a kid and ate the 'orange
candy' and went to the nice hospital
- the extension plug to a Fry Daddy<tm>
- some big, oval, black seeds that I'm sure will be currency after a nuclear
holocaust and I'll be rich, rich I tell you!
- a plastic doll of a 3-month old fetus I found on the lawn of a gynecologist's
office when I was coming back from the museum across the street
- a plastic teabag-holder in the shape of a teapot with pen&ink quills in it
- a piece of a broken mirror I use as a hand mirror because hand mirrors are cumbersome
- an antique typewriter
- a pack of Clove<tm> gum
- my watch, last wind-up I have that works
- a quarter, a nickel, and some pennies
- a yin-yang pog
- some ginseng cigarettes I've only smoked one of
- a stapler
- the word 'wood' in metal, taken off a car
- a dead rose in a glass of water
- a dictionary with the pages falling out and duct tape and photos from
Vogue<tm> as a cover
- some Ren and Stimpy Valentine cards
- one of those things that the top blades spin when you light the candles
on the bottom I got from a judge who retired, the blades are covered
with those little silver peel-off's from juice cans to form a pyramid on top
- another hairbrush, a wooden one with a chinese drawing on it
- my driver's license
- a ton of notes, most I don't know what they mean anymore
- a Scotty Pippen tumbler (he looks like a muppet)
- a barrette
- my computer
Under the glass I see.....
- a postcard of John Malkovich a friend gave me
- a bunch of quotes I've cut out of things
- an old 2-cent stamp
- pictures of: Leonard Cohen, Iggy Pop, e.e.cummings, Kenneth Copeland
(in his cowboy outfit), and George Gershwin
- a pen&ink of a guy being hanged with another guy hanging from the pole
using his feet to jam the guy further in the noose
- a picture I found in a library book of some family in mid-50's clothing,
with lais (sp) around their necks, standing in an airport
- a picture I took at Hollywood Cemetery of a pyramid monument
- the poem "Portrait D'Une Femme"
- the word 'Renaissance', cut from the newspaper
- a 'collector's card' of Timon from The Lion King
- two pictures of coffee cups, cut from magazines
- a piece of old, gold-coloured velvet I put down before everything else for 'background'