People Who Pretend to be Minor Sage

What happens when you have a cool name and a dumb person comes across it?
The short answer?
They use your name.

Um... maybe a longer explanation?
An uncreative person comes across your name on the net. They can't think of a name for themselves, so they take yours.

How do you know they took your name?
Because I'm Minor Sage (minorsage/MinorSage). I've been Minor Sage since 1996 - Yes, that's me! I have quite a few high-ranking pages. I am the first Google listing for Minor Sage.
The others are imitators. I'm not some guy from Singapore. I'm not the ghost of an old, dead bird. I'm not the Hexagram nut.
They registered domains in my name, because they're too uncreative to think up an internet name on their own.

Why didn't you register the domains first?

Then, why do you care?
At the least, they are thieves. At the most, and most sadly, they are dumb people using my name. I don't want anyone to think I am the person responsible for their blandness.

So, what are you going to do about it?
I think I'll put up a page letting people know that those posts/people aren't me. Point out who the imitators are and laugh at their sad need to steal a name, because they don't have the mental capabilites to think up one on their own. This, would be that page.

How do we know if a page is you?
My main pages are on the SendCoffee domain. On other domains, I usually have a picture of myself. There's usually some mention of coffee.

I don't write bad poetry and think people would want to read it. I don't write about bikes/motorcycles - or hexagrams. I don't take the Minor Sage name too seriously (I don't think I'm a mystic). I'm not a garden herb...

I am The Original Minor Sage <tm>

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