Subject:      Pearl Under the Couch
Date:         1997/01/09
Newsgroups:   talk.bizarre

 I can't go in my house.  There's a crayon that reminds me of him.
 I could go in, toss out the crayon, but I don't want
 reminds me of him.  Last time I was in the house, my dog picked
 up the crayon to carry it off.  I jumped on the dog, wrestled the
 thing out of her mouth and placed it back on the floor where it
 had fallen last time he was here.
 It's sitting there still.  I know it is.  I'd find another house,
 but I'm afraid whoever moves in this house will move the crayon.
 I want it to stay just where it is.
 I look through the windows.
 There, from right here I can see it.

 Dammit, the dog just got it!

 Should I go in?
 The dog doesn't understand how much that crayon means to me.

 She's eating it!  ...what can I do?

 I just stand there stunned.  Watching the dog devour the crayon and
 all my memories with it.  With the crayon gone, I'll forget him now.
 Perhaps this was for the best?  I can go in the house now.  I can find
 a new house.  One where there won't be that spot on the floor where the
 crayon used to lay.
 Just me and my faithful dog.  She'll look out for me.  Eat my memories
 so I don't have to relive them.  I'm so lucky to have her.
 Sure, she doesn't realized how much she helped me.  To her it was just
 some crayon lying around waiting to be eaten.
 Too me, it was the crayon he drew a picture of me with.  A picture of me
 like I had never seen before, more like what I believed I really look
 like.  It was drawn with love and care and meant the world to me, but I
 stored it away where I wouldn't have to look at it.  When he left, when
 I asked him to leave, when I had my dog chase him out of my house, that
 picture seemed to be of someone else.  It isn't me.  I know me.  I mean,
 I know who I am, I mean I know how people see isn't me.

 It could be me....

 I'll have to look at it again.....


                             Minor Sage
                (apprentice sage - geek in-training)

       "And if it be madness, so be it.  Better to be mad in ones
                own opinion, than slave to anothers."
