Scrub a Dub
Renya and I finally caught up with each other and she teleported me to an island where you can get paid to scrub, mop, and sleep in a doorway. I haven't taken the time to explore this island yet, but my back hurts from scrubbing and the ground is hard to
sleep on...
It was well worth it though, because I got to see Renya with a mop in her hands. Just watch out, because you'll find your butt sticking up in the air while you scrub.
Most of the other people there don't speak English. One guy stopped and typed a long message to me. I wrote back that I only speak English and he typed "no speak inglishi" I guess he can't type it either.
All in all I love this island it helps to make your bank larger and your arm muscles get a good work out.
Until later, chow... Bayleh